Global Retreats

In this age of science and technology there is enough proof that our levels of stress are directly proportional to the amount of support that we do or do not have in our lives to balance out this stress. The more we isolate ourselves and lose connection with others the more dis-stress we experience.

To facilitate connection, warmth and camaraderie that are sorely lacking in our world, our vision at ISM is to host two global ISM Retreats per annum. These will be open to anyone to join us. You do not need first to have completed an ISM course. We would love for you to join us.

The Retreats are experiential in nature and we provide a theme for the Retreat beforehand. You will find working within a group of like-hearted people a very power-full experience.

Courses and workshops

Creatively Living with Purpose: creating a groups network that can grow all around the world! We see a network of creative people who may organise an ISM course/workshop in their local area or their country.

Courses/workshops will be conducted in English and the local host will not only be responsible for organising the course/workshop, but will also have a much more involved role with Elizabeth during the actual ISM course/workshop and the 4-week online forum-based follow up support offered.

As ISM courses are facilitated by Elizabeth, the local host will initially need to communicate with Elizabeth and her team to ensure Elizabeth is available at the requested times.

All courses are based on the all important subject of relationships, which is why we recommend that “Journey of Adjustment” be your first course scheduled so as to provide a common language up front. All concepts and terms are clearly defined and provide the basis for all the courses.

The local organiser supported by ISM then becomes the leader on the ground for the local group of people from the course/workshop and will hold the space for them, i.e. organise meetings, reading groups, discussions…projects…etc. – so all in the group can grow.

Please click through to our current Schedule for dates and locations nearest you.