Where Have All the Heroes Gone?

When I look around in the world today, it is with a deep sense of anguish that I still hear echoing in my ears the...

Tackling Fear

Fear can drive us forward to become bigger and better, wiser and more tolerant, more awake and therefore more responsive.

Guilt and Repentance

It is impossible to win the respect of others if you do not have SELF-RESPECT!

What is it to be a Child?

In this course I endeavour to show adults what it is to be a child.


How to approach separation in a mature way.

Sex or Intimacy?

Is sex wrong? How to approach it responsibly.

Rules of True Communication

Too many people live in worlds removed from those closest to them due to poor communication skills.

Troubled Relationships with Parents

You either CONFRONT him, or you choose to do nothing and let him go to pot completely.

Suppressing Emotions – What Does This Mean?

The differences between suppressing and stepping over an emotion highlighted.

Business Partnerships – What is my Motive?

Will this partnership really work? How can two people actually run the business? Will I end up doing all the work?