More than a year ago I made a decision to challenge myself to face my fear of exposing my vulnerable side with people.

I did this by being committed to taking action and to taking risks.

Recently I have had an opportunity to re-look at this challenge, and as there have many benefits that I have experienced during this last year whilst standing up for myself and claiming my personal power, I have chosen to continue working with this challenge.

My strategy has been to work with two different aspects when claiming my power.

The first aspect has been to address the areas where my relationships have been out of balance that is, where I have not been standing up for myself.

So the challenge here for me has been to be more aware of where I am placing the power outside of myself – and more often than not giving my power away, that is, making the other person’s wishes more important than mine.

The second aspect has been to work on confronting my fears. The challenge here for me has been to identify and work on ways of how I can start developing and claiming my personal power.

Linked to this, that is, not only tackling my fears, is also to be more aware and work actively with the different types of repetitive or habitual behaviour patterns that I have been manifesting.

On our latest Institute for the Study of Man (ISM) relationships course in Greece (November 2015) with Elizabeth Schnugh and the ISM participants, we had the opportunity as a group to become more aware of our own behaviours, and from there to look for ways to do things differently, or to shift the focus when manifesting these repeating behaviours.

When visiting my brother and his family in Holland on my way back home to Chile from Greece, when I caught myself as my repeated behaviour patterns started to surface, I found I was quickly able to shift the focus and have a very different type of relationship with them, keeping matters light and fun rather than re-acting with my habitual responses or reactions. 🙂

Georg Beining
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